
As guests of Stela Deluxe Apartments, you receive 10% off at the most popular restaurant in the city – Millennium, which is located at only 100 meters from us. There is a children's kitchen in close proximity to Millennium restaurant.

At 170 meters from Stela Deluxe Apartments, you will also find the Central City Pool with natural mineral water.

We care about your perfect experience for which we provided some of the most popular sport activities in the city. 

* You can sign up for our sport activities, if there's 10 or more people participating. 

1. Paintball
Paintball is not only a popular game but also an interesting way to relieve tension and stress. Give freedom to the adventurer and return it to everyone who is annoying in a fun and pleasant way. 
100 pieces of beads - 25lv. 
200 pieces of beads - 35lv. 
The price includes: protective clothing, protective vest, protective mask, rifle marker.

2. Archery
For 10 pcs. shots per person – 10lv.
For 5 pcs. shots per person – 8lv.

3. Crossbow Shooting
For 10 pcs. shots per person – 10lv.
For 5 pcs. shots per person – 8lv.

4. Shooting with a rifle
For 10 pcs. shots per person – 4lv.
For 5 pcs. shots per person – 6lv.

5. Pistol Shooting
For 10 pcs. shots per person – 8lv.
20 pcs. shots per person – 10lv.

6. Combined Shooting
For a more interesting experience, you can combine the types of shooting and find out how precise you are. The service includes: archery 5 shots; crossbow shooting – 5 shots, shooting with paintball marker – 10 shots, pistol shooting – 20 shots. Price per person: 20lv. 

7. ATV tour
Price for 1 hour - 60lv. per ATV. The price does not include fuel. There is 5 ATVs available.

8. Eco-route tour
If you’re the type of person who likes to spend time in the mountain, the tour to “Vazova Polyana”, which is located at over 1000 m above sea level is exactly your thing. For safety, we provide a guide, who knows the route very well. One-way transition time is 1 hour.  The ecopath is dotted with beautiful scenery to enjoy. 

9. To build a shelter in the forest

10. Bus tour
Enjoy a bus tour to the following destinations: Belmeken Dam and the sports town, Batak Dam, "Tsigov Chark" area, “Tsepina” fortress

11. Fishing
The service costs 25lv. per person and includes: fishing rod, bait and instructor.

12. Pig eating and wine drinking contest!
Two teams will fight each other in one of the most fun games we offer. 2 piglets and 50 liters of red wine. The winner is the team that first eats the pig, and the wine will be poured in large quantities.