Welcome to the SPA Capital of the Balkans Velingrad

Check in 01 April   2025
Check out 02 April   2025
Select dates and check for available special offers
Select dates and check for available special offers

Reservation Contact Number

Stela Deluxe Apartments offers one-month promotional packages for stay.

A one-bedroom apartment with a capacity of up to four adults or two adults plus two children at the price of 1900.00 levs for a period of one month. (*The number of guest must not exceed 4 people + a baby)

A one-bedroom penthouse with a capacity of up to four adults or two adults plus two children at the price of 2100.00 levs for a period of one month. (*The number of guests must not exceed 4 people + a baby)

A two-bedroom penthouse with a capacity of six adults or four adults plus two children at the price of 2500.00 levs for a period of one month. (*The number of guests must not exceed 6 people + a baby)

About us

Stela Deluxe Apartments is a luxury hotel, located in the heart of Velingrad - the spa capital of the Balkans. By staying with us, you get not only good service, but also coziness and tranquility, as well as breathtaking views you can enjoy. Situated in the city center, the hotel provides the opportunity for complete relaxation, as well as easy access to all of the city's sights.

The town’s history is based on the unification of three villages – Chepino, Ladzhene and Kamenitsa in 1948. The town is located in the most picturesque part of the Western Rhodopes at a height of 750-780 meters above the sea-level.

It is unique with its abundance of mineral water resources both as a number and regarding their composition. Their total capacity is about 14 million liters per day, which is 10 times more than those of some world-famous tourist centers as Karlovy Vary. That is why it is called “Blue Pearl of the Rhodopes”! Velingrad’s mineral waters come from deep sources, they are crystal clear, limpid, warm and hot, being distributed in all the three residential areas of the town where there are springs and wells...

Enjoy the coziness and tranquility of Stela Deluxe Apartments!



4October   2020

Velingrad will participate in the initiative World Walking Day

The town of Velingrad is most surely a place where one could take a rest, as well as dive into various sports initiatives. Our town has always been ...

11June   2020

Stela Deluxe Apartments is taking care of its guests' health by implementing these safety measures

Dear friends,



26December   2019

"Thank you, Bulgaria" dance performance comes to Velingrad

A unique show with a message for the soul! Dance magic that will transform you during the days of the brightest holidays!

"Thank You Bulgaria" dance visual perform...


Проект и главна цел: Административен договор BG16RFOP002-2.073-12684-C01 от 04.09.2020 г. за Преодоляване недостига на средства и липсата на ликвидност, настъпили в резултат от епидемичния взрив от COVID-19; Цел: Осигуряване на оперативен капитал за българските микро и малки предприятия за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19. Постигане на положителен ефект за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19 и стабилност на работните места.


Обща стойност: 10 000,00 лв., от които 8 500,00 лв.

европейско и 1 500,00 лв. национално съфинансиране.

Начало: 04.09.2020 г.

Край: 04.12.2020 г.